You may setup multiple custom shipping methods to cover your
shipping restrictions and/or to provide shipping options to your
customers. To Setup a Shipping Rate Per Item:
- Navigate to the 'Edit Store' tab -> 'Shopping Cart' -> on the left-hand menu click on 'Shipping'.
- Click on 'Add Custom Shipping Method'.
- Enter a name for the shipping method.
- This
is displayed to the customer during the checkout process. If multiple
shipping methods apply for the customer's location, they will have the
option to choose which shipping method they would prefer.
- Select the country or countries that the shipping rate applies to.
- If the shipping rate applies to the entire world, select 'Anywhere'.
- If the shipping rate only applies to a single country, select 'Inside' and then use the 'Select options' drop down menu to select the country.
- If the shipping rate applies to a specific country or specific countries, select 'Inside', and then use the 'Select options' drop down menu to select the applicable countries.
- If the shipping rate applies to all countries with one or more exceptions, select 'Outside', and use the 'Select options' drop down menu to select each country that you will not ship to.
- Specify the states or provinces that the shipping method applies to.
- If you have selected United States or Canada and the shipping rate applies to the entire country, leave the field blank.
- If the rate only applies to a specific state or province, enter the 2-letter abbreviation for the state or province. For example, for California, you would enter "CA".
For multiple states or provinces, continue adding the variations for
each one separated by commas: "BC, AB".
- Enter the cost per item in order value and leave the other cost fields at 0.00.
- Click on 'Add Custom Shipping Rate'.
- Name: Canada - ground
- Country: Inside -> Canada
- States/Provinces: blank
- Cost per item: 2.00
The above would charge $8 to ship an order with 4 items to any Canadian address.