Posting a New Topic
- When viewing the Message Board page, click the 'Start New Topic' button.
- Complete the form and click the 'Add Topic' button at the bottom of the page.
Editing or Deleting a Topic
If you would like to edit the topic, view your Message Board page, click the 'Edit' link beside the post. If you would like to delete the topic, view your Message Board page and check the box to the left of the topic, then click the 'Delete' button located at the top and bottom of the message board list. If editing, make sure to save your changes by clicking the 'Save' button. If deleting, confirm or cancel on the next page.
You will only see these links when you are logged in as an administrator. Your visitors will not be able to edit or delete topics.
Locking a Topic
Locking a topic refers to not allowing any new messages to be posted within that topic. The messages are all still viewable.
- Click the 'Edit' link beside the topic
- Check the 'Check to lock topic' box below the topic name.
You will notice after you have locked a topic that a small lock will appear to the left of the topic name in the message board list on the main Message Board page.