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The "Get a Free Website" Referral Program

The 'Get a Free Website' is a great opportunity to save on your subscription fees. All you need to do is get people to sign up for a site through a unique link we give you. For each site that gets signed up, you earn 5 credits toward your website. Each credit is worth $1 off your hosting fees, but you can only redeem your credits after you have enough to cover your monthly fees.

Green Warning NOTE: Once a trial website has been converted to a paid site, your first credit for that website will be applied once their website has been fully paid and active for 30 days. This is in case the customer cancels within our 30 day money back guarantee period.

To access the 'Get a Free Website' program, click on 'Account' -> 'Get a Free Website'. This program is only available on some website builders.

There are 4 ways to start referring:

  • Share Your Referral Link On Your Social Networks
  • Send Invites to Friends
  • Post Your Referral Link
  • Create Your Own Links.

1. Share Your Referral Link On Your Social Network

Share your referral link on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other popular social networks. To share:

  1. Choose your social network by either clicking on the social network button or the 'More' link for additional social networks.
  2. A new window will open and you will be prompted to sign into your chosen social network.
  3. Post the referral link to your social network.

2. Send Invites to Friends

You can send an email to any of your contacts and invite them to start a free trial website. The email message box is pre-populated with standard referral text. This can be modified if you wish. The referral link will be automatically placed in the email message.

  1. Insert the Name and Email of your contact.
  2. Click 'Add Another Recipient' to add more recipients. You can send up to 5 invites at one time.
  3. Click 'Send'.

3. Post Your Referral Link

To add the "Referral Link" to the bottom of your web pages:

  1. Click on 'Account' on the top right -> 'Get a Free Website'.
  2. Select 1 of the 2 options under Footer Referral Link. The referral link will be added to all of your websites in your account.
  3. Click 'Save'.

To remove the "Referral Link" from the bottom of your web pages:

  1. Click on 'Account' on the top right -> 'Get a Free Website'.
  2. Select the radio button 'No thanks, I don't want a referral link on my website'. The referral link will be removed from all of your websites in your account.
  3. Click 'Save'.

4. Create Your Own Links

Use the URL in the 'Create Your Own Links' box for creating your own referral links. This can used in any material that you send out to your customers and contacts.

Redeem your Credits

To redeem your credits, click on 'Account' on the top right -> 'Get a Free Website'. Check that you have enough credits for your monthly subscription fees. Your total credits are displayed on the right side under 'Credits'. Then, contact support and let them know you're ready to redeem your credits.

Yellow Warning IMPORTANT: Credits can only be applied to future subscription fees. Once your credits have been applied to a website this can not be reversed.


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Introduction to Marketing
Add/Remove the "Powered By" Link
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Solution #: 6131263
Category: Account & Billing
Type: Knowledge Base
Status: Published

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