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Recommend Products

You can recommend up to 3 additional products per catalog product page. The recommended products are shown at the bottom of the page, below the product description and images.

To setup Recommend Products:

  1. Navigate to the 'Edit Store' tab -> 'Products' -> on the left-hand menu click on 'Recommend Products'
  2. Select the Catalog page and Product you would like to add recommended products to
  3. Select the Catalog page that has the products you'd like to recommend
  4. Click on '+' beside each product, up to a maximum of 3
  5. Click on 'Save'

Remove a Recommended Product:

  1. Navigate to the 'Edit Store' tab -> 'Products' -> on the left-hand menu click on 'Recommend Products'
  2. Select the Catalog and Product that has the recommended products
  3. Click on 'Remove' beside the products you'd like to remove
  4. Click on 'Save'


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Solution #: 6131233
Category: Edit Store > Promotions
Type: Knowledge Base
Status: Published

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