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Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

There are three different ways you can implement Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) on your website:

  • Enhanced Templates
  • Tag Level CSS
  • Page Level CSS
  • Site Level CSS

The template of your website already implements CSS for many different design elements that can be set in the 'Edit Site' -> 'Design' section of your website. If you want to modify the default color settings, first check through this section to see if there is already an option available for the modification you are trying to make.


Enhanced Templates

All Enhanced Templates allow you to directly modify the template's CSS, giving you much greater control over the look of your site. If you're using an Enhanced Template, navigate to 'Edit Site' > 'Design' and click 'Advanced Options'.

Tag Level CSS

Tag level CSS is CSS that you implement into each HTML tag separately. This is useful if you just want to make a modification to just one element on your website.

Using the HTML Editor, you can modify any tag to add the attribute for the style you want to implement. For example, to remove the underline from a link, you would add the following style:

<a href="" style="text-decoration: none;">Link</a>

Page Level CSS

Page level CSS is CSS that you implement for an entire page. The styles set in this manner would affect every relevant element on that page.

To add page level CSS:

  1. Edit your page.
  2. On the left-hand menu click on 'Properties'.
  3. Click on the third tab, ''.


Site Level CSS

Green Warning If you are using an Enhanced Template, please see the section above for instructions on implementing site-level CSS. The directions below are for standard templates.

Site Level CSS is a CSS stylesheet file that you upload to your site, which will affect every page that you reference it on.

To set up site level CSS:

  1. Create your CSS file using a plain text document, such as NotePad, saving it as a .css file.
  2. Upload the CSS file using a Multimedia page type.
  3. Once the file is uploaded, view your multimedia page and right-click on the link to your CSS file.
  4. Click 'Properties' and copy the URL listed under Address/URL starting with "http://".
  5. Link all your pages to the CSS file. Go to edit each page, then in the 'Properties' section, add the following link into the '' section, replacing ADDRESS with the URL copied in step 4:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="ADDRESS">

We do not provide CSS support. To learn more about CSS, visit the following:

W3Schools CSS Tutorial

HTML Help Guide to CSS

EchoEcho Complete CSS Tutorial


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Solution #: 6131057
Category: Design & Templates
Type: Knowledge Base
Status: Published

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