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Set Up a Feedback Form
Here are the basics of setting up your feedback form:

Adding a Feedback Form Page

  1. Click the 'EDIT SITE' tab and then click 'Add Page.'

  2. Select 'Feedback Form' and click 'Select Page Type.'

  3. Enter a 'Menu Name' (text that shows in your navigation menu for your page), choose whether the page will show in your navigation menu, enter the web address ending you would like and click 'Add Page.'

Creating Your Feedback Form

  1. On your Feedback Form, click 'Edit Page' and then click 'Add Field to Form' on the left.

  2. You will now see 5 options of types of fields you can add. Samples of each show under 'FIELD EXAMPLE'. Click the 'Add' button beside the field type you would like to use.

    Green Warning NOTE: All people who fill out your form will be asked for their Name and E-mail Address automatically. Also, anyone who would like to submit a form is required to agree to a Privacy Policy which we automatically set up for you. This is required by government regulation.

  3. Fill in the necessary info in the text boxes provided and click 'Add.' Here are examples of filling out each field type and the end result:

    Single Line Field:

    Multiline Text Field:


    Drop Down Selection Box:

    Radio Button:

    The result is:

Changing the Location of Your Field Titles

You can choose to show your field title above or to the left of the fields.

  1. On your Feedback Form, click 'Edit Page' and then 'Options' on the left.

  2. Under 'Display Options', select 'Above the fields' or 'Beside the fields' and save your changes.

Receiving Email Notifications

To receive an email notification about submissions:

  1. On your Feedback Form, click 'Edit Page' and then 'Options' on the left.

  2. Enter the email address(es) you'd like to receive submissions at in the box beside 'Email Addresses'.

  3. Click the 'Save' button.

Setting Up an Autoresponder Email

  1. On your Feedback Form, click 'Edit Page' and then 'Options' on the left.

  2. Under 'Autoresponder,' fill in the fields and click 'Save.'

Setting Up a Thank You Page

The Thank You Page is an optional page you can have show right after a person submits their form. If you don't set up this page, the customer will be redirected to your home page after they fill in the form.

  1. On your Feedback Form, click 'Edit Page' and then 'Thank You Page' on the left.

  2. Enter a message that appears after the form is submitted in the text box. Optionally, show what information was just submitted. Lastly, you can choose whether the person is taken to your home page or back to your feedback form through a 'Click to continue' link.

  3. This is what would show after a person submits their form.


Related Articles:
View, Export, and Delete Feedback Form Submissions
Sort, Edit, and Delete Form Fields
What is a Feedback Form Page?
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Solution #: 6131333
Category: Page Types > Feedback Form
Type: Knowledge Base
Status: Published

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