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HTML Basics

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the programming language used to generate web pages.

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Below are some useful HTML tags.

Text Tags

The following tags surround the words you would like to alter. For example, the tag to bold is <b></b>. You can bold a letter, a word or group of words on a line by themselves like this:

Bold a letter.
Bold a le<b>t</b>ter.

Bold these words
<b>Bold these words</b>

Use bold to emphasize a word.
Use bold to <b>emphasize</b> a word.

The letters within the tag can be upper or lower case or a combination. It does not affect the programming whichever letter case you decide to use.

Here is a list of HTML text tags:




Strike text

This is superscript.

This is subscript.

Heading Tags

This is a sample of big within a sentence.
Makes text larger than the surrounding text

This is a sample of small within a sentence.
Makes text smaller than the surrounding text

Font size 1, Font size 2, Font size 3, Font size 4, Font size 5, Font size 6, Font size 7
<font size=1></font>, <font size=2></font>,? <font size=7></font>

Red Font
<font color=red></font> or <font color=ff0000></font>
Font color code can be a color written out (for certain colors) or by using the hexadecimal system (all colors). Some common written out colors are:


Note that it usually is not a good idea to use blue or purple color body text as those colors are associated with links.

Font Style

To change your font style, you just have to use the following code:


<font face="courier, times new roman">Text</font>

where courier is your first choice text style and times new roman is your second choice. You should always include a second choice font in arial or times new roman. People on older browsers or who just happen to not have your first choice font on their computer will then see the text in your second choice. Arial and times new roman are very common and make very good second choice text styles.

Combining Font Codes

Instead of having to do coding like this:

<font color=blue><font style="verdana, arial"><font size=3>text</font></font></font>

you can combine font codes as follows:

<font color=blue style="verdana, arial" size=3></font>

you can also change the order like this:

<font style="verdana, arial" size=3 color=blue></font>


To space your lines out, you can use the break tag
or the paragraph tag <p>. Both tags can be used by themselves.

The break tag in front of text, makes all text behind the tag begin at the next line.

The paragraph tag does the same thing as the break tag but adds an extra line of space. Basically just like you are starting a new paragraph.


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Category: Page Text Editing > HTML Editor
Type: Knowledge Base
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